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  • Jen Crafter


I am yet to find a person who says I have no hobby at all. Hobbies make us complete and happy. Its not just something you do to kill your time, it’s your me time that makes your life a little more exciting.

I am a bit of an extrovert and my hobbies include reading, writing, music and stand-up comedy. But honestly, I have always been very intrigued with fashion and fabric. A random trip to a departmental store in Sydney where I went to buy a woollen blanket for my sister’s baby shower started my love affair with knitting.

Yes, you read that right … knitting. And I am not old. I have always vocal about the whole stereotype thingy and I can debate on hours if provoked.

Anyways coming back to my newfound passion…. The very next day I landed in a yarn store. Like all super excited beginners, I bought everything my wallet could afford. My cart was filled with yarn in every colour plus all types of needles, notions etc. Quite frankly I didn’t even know the terms for a few things…... but the staff at the store was kind and helpful to accommodate an amateur like me.

I was highly determined and bought the lot. I reached home and dumped it all on my computer table in a big carton box and looked for classes online. I found very interesting ones in my suburb and I picked the one that was closest to my place. I have been going there for last 6 months now and the ladies in the group are super cool and super fun as oppose to some ideologies.

I got to admit that I was a mess when I started. Even though I enjoyed the hobby a lot I couldn’t find a way to work around the chaos that came with it. My initial weeks were a terror with yarns rolling all over my room, needles poking me under my bedsheets and stitch markers making their way in my waste bin.

One of my mates in the group gave me wonderful tips on how to organize my work area. She listed few items that I needed to buy to organise my work-space so I could enjoy my craft and hobby in a relaxed environment. My first buy was a Carry All from Yazzii which was highly recommended by my group gals. I was so impressed with the quality of this knitting bag that I went ahead and bought 3 threading bags, 2 quilting bags, 3 tool organizers, 2 tote bags and 1 crafters basket from the same brand.

It might sound like I am bit of a spend thrift but no….. they were important. And I honestly couldn’t find anything to match the quality and versatility that Yazzii offered. Now with my things in place I feel real proud of myself and I have made some really cool pieces in the last few weeks.

All those people who laughed and mocked me 6 months ago are raving about my creativity and requesting personal orders.

Now that I have imbibed the craft and spent so much time learning and doing it, I have many respects for the artists that have been doing it for so long…..

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